Do You Have a Favorite Week?

Jan 02, 2024

Do you have a favorite week?  The week between Christmas and NYE has always been one of my favorite weeks of the year. There’s something almost magical about it.  

It’s a natural pause. 

It’s a time to reflect on where we have been the past year.

It’s a time to celebrate your achievements. 

It’s a time to look at the learning & growth opportunities you had.

And it’s a time to begin dreaming about what you want to accomplish in the new year & start making your plan!

Here’s the thing - there is power in the pause.  I would like to invite you to carve out an hour this week to do a year end reflection.  Taking the time to reflect on your year has several key benefits including:

  • It is a great way to look at how you spent your time and assess whether it aligns with your priorities.
  • It allows you to track your progress toward your goals.
  • It offers valuable insight into where you had learning or growth opportunities & where you may want to grow more.
  • It helps you to reset for the new year to set meaningful & purposeful goals.

Success Strategy: 

A great strategy is to reflect & record.  Take stock of what happened this past year by looking at your calendar. Whether you use a paper calendar or a digital calendar, your calendar can offer powerful insights & help guide you to where you want to focus your attention & time in the coming year.

  • Grab your calendar & a journal/notebook
  • Open your calendar & see where you spent your time.
  • Jot down any celebrations or successes in your journal.
  • Jot down the places/areas you spent the most amount of time.
  • Did you spend a lot of time traveling? Socializing? At the gym? Volunteering?
  • How does this correlate with what you wanted to accomplish? 
  • Jot down any awarenesses. 
  • Did your schedule align with your goals?
  • Did it get you closer or farther away from your goals? 
  • What growth or learning opportunities did you have?

Don’t just think about the questions….you have to write them down! The writing process will give you clarity.  Now use that to inform what you want to prioritize in the new year. 

  • What dreams & goals have been gnawing at you?
  • What people, places & experiences have you been putting off?
  • What is that costing you?  
  • And what is the ripple effect of you not pursuing your dreams & goals?

Let this week between Christmas and NYE be your magical week. You deserve to make yourself a priority. Carve out some time this week to reflect & record, to set your intentions & start making your plan.

Life is short and you deserve BIG, BOLD, BRAVE dreams in 2024!