Announcing the Monthly Mindset Newsletter!

Sep 10, 2023
A blonde woman sitting in a chair and smiling at the camera.

I am thrilled to announce that I am launching a new mindset monthly newsletter! 

You see, one of my greatest passions is inspiring others to think a little differently, while giving them practical tips to help them get unstuck. I love helping people step into their highest vision in all areas of their life.  I know this is my purpose here on this planet and God is calling me to step more fully into that purpose!  So, I’m taking my own advice in “living the &” by stepping into some new things (like the newsletter!), while also pursuing the passion & joy I have for other roles in my life.  Each month I will be coming to your inbox with ideas, some of my success systems, tips, and FREE resources to help you create your vision for 2023 & beyond!

“Living the &” 

You see, sometimes it’s so easy for us to get stuck in the roles and labels that others assign to us. Oftentimes, we assign these labels to ourselves.  

But here’s the thing....we don’t have to be ONE thing.  We get to decide who it is that we want to be & how we want to show up in life….it doesn’t have to be EITHER/OR.  It’s what I like to call “living the &”. (I actually have a wooden “&” sign hanging in my office to remind me of this!) 

  • I (you) can be a goal-driven entrepreneur & be a present, good wife and mom.
  • I (you) can be a fashion loving, jewelry wearing, girly girl & love hiking, camping and roughing it.
  • I (you) can be a kind, empathetic person & set boundaries.
  • I (you) can be confident & make mistakes.  

 I have learned over the years that stepping into “the & lifestyle” feels way more satisfying AND rewarding. I’ve also learned that at any point, we have the right to change our mind to begin living a new “&”. 

Where can you give yourself permission to begin living more “&” in your life?