Announcing the REIMAGINE: Act As If Master Class

Sep 12, 2023
Woman staring at a blank canvas with a paint palette in her left hand

It’s September!

The kids have headed back to school. 

The college kids have left the nest. 

Football season is starting.

And pumpkin spice is here!

September brings new schedules & new routines. 𝘕𝘰𝘸 is a great time to start thinking about resetting YOUR routines & YOUR intentions. 

Do you have habits & routines that you need to reset?  Do you have things that aren’t serving you & you need to let go of?

Do you need to?

  • Get back to church. 

  • Start cooking at home & meal prepping. 

  • Reset your budget. 

  • Refocus on important relationships. 

  • Restart or start an exercise routine. 

  • Reset your work habits. 

Just imagine what it would look like if you were to reset some habits & create space for you to focus on the things most important to you.

Are you ready to reset and focus on living a more authentic & purposeful life?  

Well, you’re in the right place at the right time! 

Join me for a FREE REIMAGINE Master Class on Saturday, September 23rd at 11AM CT. 

I will be sharing my inside tips on how to reimagine your life and live in an authentic & purposeful way.

In this FREE Master Class you will learn:

  • How to get clear on what your authentic self looks like
  • How to identify the things that are holding you back
  • How to begin acting like your authentic, purposeful self.

A FREE REIMAGINE guide will be  included in this Master Class.

REGISTER NOW to secure your spot for this FREE Master Class and begin reimagining your life!  Limited spots available.  

Be the change you wish to see in your life. It all starts with YOU.