Do You Spring Clean?

Sep 10, 2023
A women sitting in a leather chair, writing in a notebook.

I’m not talking about cleaning out the garage or an overstuffed closet. I’m talking about taking a look at your goals and auditing where you are so far. 

You see, one of the places that I find people get stuck is not reviewing their vision & the goals that they have attached to that vision.

Sometimes we set goals at the beginning of a new year or a new “season” and we forget to keep track of where we are on the journey.

Sometimes we get distracted, we get off track and we need to reset.

And sometimes we have already hit our goal and we need to create some new goals.

Did you know that in one study (Journal of Clinical Psychology), it was said that less than 50% of people who make New Year’s resolutions are successful?  Another study says that the failure rate is as high as 80%.

I want you to be in the group of people who are successful!

We are now in April and Q2 of's time to spring clean!!!

Success Tip: Spring Clean Your Goals

Ask yourself these goal audit questions: Am I still on track? Do I need to reset? Are my daily habits supporting my goals? Did I already achieve a goal and need to make a new goal? 

If you answered "No" to any of your audit questions: 

  • Take inventory of where you are. 
  •  Reset and get back on track or set a new goal if needed.
  • Do it TODAY. Don’t wait! 
  • Ask yourself if your daily habits are supporting your goals. 
  • Write your goals in your planner & schedule your time to support those goals. 
  • Take action towards your goals TODAY. The universe rewards action! 

We have 9 months left in 2023. 9 months to step into YOUR ideal life. 

Now go make it happen!