Your Summer of YES!

Sep 11, 2023
A blanket laid next to a pool with drinks and books on top of it.

Summer is a favorite season for so many people and with good reason.  It’s more laid back….there’s pool parties & picnics….BBQ’s & fireworks.  The kids and grandkids are out of school and there’s pop-up fun to be had by all!

But here’s the challenge- with the change of season and schedule it’s easy to lose sight of your goals that you have been working towards.  It’s easy to let all of the progress you have made over the past months slip away…simply because you aren’t being intentional about how you go into summer. You may reach the end of August and find you’re starting over again.

WHAT IF you could continue to focus on your goals & savor all the summer fun?

WHAT IF you were able to SAY YES to your business, your health or some other personal goal & say yes to the kids?

WHAT IF you made this your best summer yet?

How you start your summer is how you end your summer. Revisiting your goals is crucial at the beginning of this new season.  

5 questions to ask yourself:

  1. What goal am I working on and I want to maintain momentum on? Is it a health goal like walking each day or eating healthy?  Is it a business goal like achieving a specific sales level or promotion?  Is it a personal or spiritual goal like reading or meditating each day?
  2. What am I willing to do to maintain my habits to support my goal?
  3. What challenges do I need to overcome in summer? 
  4. What is my plan to overcome the challenge?
  5. Am I committed to my plan and WHY? 

Answering these questions will bring awareness.  And with awareness comes choice.  You get to choose how you focus and show up this summer.  And how empowering is that!?

HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS! You CAN have a summer of saying YES to yourself and your goals AND say yes to the fun and magic of summer.  But it begins with being aware of the change of season, having a plan & staying committed to your plan.

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”

-Alan Lakein

Success Tips:

  • Reset for the new season & make a plan.
  • Set boundaries for when you are working on your goal. 
  • Capture the NOW. Work first & play later. Eat that frog!  The reality is that things come up in summer.  Spontaneous summer fun will pop up (trust me!).  Get in the workout, make the business calls, write the chapter, etc early in the day so you can SAY YES later without guilt & not sabotage your goals.
  • Make a “SUMMER YES LIST” with the kids/grandkids. Grab a poster board and make a list of fun things to do….splash day, pj day, dessert for dinner, etc.  Use this as a reward system.  It’s a great way to teach kids about goal setting and delayed gratification.  And kids love seeing the full poster board checked off at the end of the summer and all the fun YES things you did!
  • Be prepared.  Summers are also a time of travel and vacations.  Decide ahead of time what you are willing to do to stay on track with goals.  And what challenges will you need to overcome to do that? 
  • Track your habits.  There’s power in intentionally tracking your habits….especially during summer.  Check out my FREE habit tracker here to stay focused on your habits.  
  • Make a vacation goal.  I love to make goals for when I am on vacation.  Things like-rest, read, write, be in the moment with family, have a YES day.  This allows you to be intentional and fully present.

This can be your summer of saying YES to yourself, your family & your goals!

What will you do to make this YOUR summer of YES?