Jennifer Bond is a success coach and vision strategist with over 20 years of experience mentoring and coaching women and men alike in the network marketing, corporate, non-profit and personal development spaces. Over the past two decades, she has successfully built strong leaders and multi 7 figure organizations using her unique skills in vision building, mentoring, coaching and training. She has mentored and trained emerging leaders at Fortune 500 companies and has worked with successful brands mentoring top executives in the company as well as providing strategic vision for the brand. 

Schedule a free, 15-minute discovery call with Jennifer to identify how she can motivate your audience with a custom keynote at your next event. 

Book a Discovery Call


A vision strategist is an expert in helping you discover your vision, developing a concrete roadmap and providing strategies to transform your vision into reality.



As a keynote speaker, Jennifer has been seen on stages around the world delivering motivational messages on building vision, success mindset, entrepreneurship, leadership and personal development. Using her unique vision strategies, she has been instrumental in creating new programs, campaigns, education, leadership development and creative content for annual conferences. 

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Keynote Speaker Information

“When we chose Community: friendship, faith and service as our theme for the year, I knew that Jennifer was the perfect speaker to kick off of our luncheon series.  Thank you Jennifer for sharing your passion for community and connection along with simple tips to turn the desire for connection into action.  People are still talking about how they are changed and changing weeks later."

- LINDA K.  


"The message that Jennifer has to share is inspiring and moving to all.  She has a way of connecting with everyone she encounters and you always walk away from that encounter with a renewed outlook and personal growth. Not many people have the gift that Jennifer has, so don’t miss out on an opportunity to hear her message. You won’t regret a minute with her!"